Coral Show Vendor Must-Haves: Packing Your Booth for Success

Coral Show Vendor Must-Haves: Packing Your Booth for Success

With the 2023 Phoenix Coral Show coming up quick, we thought it may be helpful for vendors to have a checklist! Whether you’re a first time vendor or a seasoned veteran, double checking can never hurt. Here’s what we’re bringing to the upcoming coral show (in no specific order). We hope to see you there!

1. Frag Tanks

Take inventory of all the coral you plan on bringing and pack the affiliating frag tank. Shallow, narrow frag tanks are popular due to their ability to fit perfectly on standard size tables.

2. Lighting & Stands

When bringing lighting make sure that the spectrum will fully cover your frag tank in order to accurately present all of your coral. Remember to bring a way to set up the lighting that looks professional and will remain sturdy throughout the show.

3. Wave Maker, Heater, Thermometer, Etc

Pack all equipment needed to run your tanks and allow your corals to stay happy and open.

4. Filtration

Consider running carbon and filter pads to prevent slime and excess oils from constant maneuvering of coral.

5. Frag Rack

Bring frag racks that completely cover the bottom of your frag tank so nothing falls through and it appears full. 

6. Acrylic Rods

These guys come in handy while spacing out your corals to be priced and limiting hands in water by using them to point.

7. Chalk Paint

Chalk paint or submersible acrylic pricing pieces are vital to selling coral. Coral shows move quickly and customers won’t want to ask you the pricing on every piece.

8. Siphon

Bring a hefty siphon or a pump with hosing to fill and drain your tanks quickly.

9. Salt & RO Jugs

Calculate how much water you will need… and then bring extra!

10. Frags

Consider fragging your coral a while in advance so they are happy to remain open throughout the show.

11. Cash Box/Digital Payment

Many shows ask for cash, so bring a cash box to keep your money safe and organized. Start the day with it full of smaller bills. For electronic payers, download Venmo and other digital payment apps and bring a way to accept card payments.

12. Tablecloth

Presentation is everything. We ordered a tablecloth from Amazon and use it at every show. 

13. Business Cards & Stand

People who are interested in your coral may want to contact you later for more. Place business cards in a stand on your table for easy access.

14. Merch

Rep your business! Hand out stickers, sell shirts, the options are endless! This is your chance to get creative.

15. Towels

You can never bring too many. Line your cooler with them too!

16. Bags & Bands

Depending on what you're selling, bags and bands are typically a reliable option. Consider bringing containers for prickly pieces.

17. Power Bar/Extension Cords

Never be too confident in how much power you’ll have at a show. 

18. Loading Dolly

These are a lifesaver for moving supplies in and out. We consider this a must have.

19. Table

Contact the host to see if they’ll be providing tables. We suggest bringing your own just in case.

20. Cooler

Keeping your coral alive and happy is the first priority. A cooler will help regulate temperatures and lesson shaking. Make sure it has wheels!

Coral shows are an amazing way to find unique pieces while being environmentally friendly. Keep an eye out on our social media to see what shows are coming up!

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