Smooth Transitions: A Guide to Acclimating New Fish into Your Aquarium

Excited about your new fish and want to give them a smooth transition into their new home? Here’s a step by step guide on how to acclimate new fish into your aquarium.
Every store will have different water parameters, and it is important to slowly introduce your new addition into your aquarium. Some differences to note are temperature, pH, GH, KH, possible medications, copper, and salinity.

When you bring your fish home, place the entire bag directly into your aquarium so it can float. This allows the water in your bag to match the temperature of your aquarium. Depending on how drastic the temperature swing is, float the bag for 30 minutes to a couple hours. If your fish store is only 15 minutes away, 30 minutes is typically a safe bet. For longer acclimation periods, add a bubbler to the bucket.

After your fish are successfully temperature acclimated, pour the contents of the bag into a small bucket. Using small hosing, slowly drip your aquarium water into the bucket so the fish can slowly become acclimated to your water parameters. Once over half of the water is your own, scoop out the fish with a net and gently place in your aquarium.
To make this process even more seamless, put a small bucket with holes in it into a slightly larger bucket. Repeat this same process. Once you are ready to place the fish in your aquarium, lift the smaller bucket they are in and let the water drain. Place the smaller bucket into your aquarium. At this point, the fish should still be in the smaller bucket. You now have the choice to watch them for a longer period of time or let them into your aquarium.
The most important part of this process, as is with the entire hobby, is patience. We wish you luck with your new fish!